The barangay secretaries in the pilot barangays in the municipalities of Majayjay and Magdalena, Laguna have have all expressed their commitment in submitting their respective Barangay Integrated Development Plans (BIDPs).
This assurance comes after follow-up visits and meetings conducted by BIDANI-UPLB on 6 February 2018 with the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinators (MPDC) staff and barangay secretaries in Majayjay, and with the Municipal Nutrition Action Officer (MNAO), barangay secretaries, and Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) in Magdalena.

During the meetings, Ana Castañeda, BIDANI-UPLB Assistant Program Leader and Barangay Integrated Development Approach (BIDA) coordinator, discussed the format of the BIDP for the barangays to follow. It was also found out during the visit that many barangays are still in the process of encoding their family census in their respective Barangay Management Information System (BMIS). Some barangays, meanwhile, are already finished with their BIDPs and are being finalized for submission.
BIDANI-UPLB, MNAO, and MPDO have all agreed that regular monitoring field visits should be conducted to see the progress of the barangays in the preparation, finalization, and implementation of their respective Barangay Integrated Development Plans.
– Guien Eidrefson Garma