PNEA training for ISU, Echague Municipal and Brgy. Salvacion LGUs held

Participants of the PNEA training held at the Isabela State University are given hands-on training on the production of KALINGA supplementary mix. Photo: Arnold Abuyog

Completing the triumvirate of training on the three innovative strategies of the BIDANI Network Program for the revitalization of BIDANI at the Isabela State University, the Training on the Participative Nutrition Enhancement Approach (PNEA) for BIDANI-ISU Core Team, Municipality of Echague, and Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) of Barangay Salvacion was held on March 25-29, 2019 at the Biazon Hall, and College of Teacher Education Cafeteria, Isabela State University Echague Campus, Echague, Isabela.

Spearheading the training on the part of the BIDANI Network Program is Belinda Lalap, PNEA Coordinator, together with Network SUCs Coordinator Pamela Gonzales, Barangay Management Information System (BMIS) Coordinator Charina Maneja, and Barangay Integrated Development Approach (BIDA) Coordinator Arnold Abuyog.

In her opening remarks, Dr. Pedrita Medrano, Director of University Extension Training Services of ISU Echague, acknowledged that all of the ISU and municipal and barangay LGU participants in the training are partners in the implementation of BIDANI in ISU. “We hope na after three years ng ating implementation or maybe five years, ang buong 63 barangays ay magiging under the BIDANI program,” she added.

For her part, Dr. Mila Andres, ISU BIDANI Program Leader, emphasized that Barangay Salvacion serves as the pilot barangay of the program. If BIDANI becomes successful in Salvacion, all other barangays in the municipality of Echague will be patterned after Salvacion, she added.

The participants of the Partcipative Nutrition Enhancement Approach (PNEA) training at the Isabela State University held on March 25-29, 2019. Photo: Arnold Abuyog

During the five-day activity, members of the BIDANI ISU core team, together with participating students from the College of Nursing and faculty members from ISU; members of the Municipal Technical Working Group (MTWG); and officials and volunteers of the Salvacion, Echague BLGU were trained in implementing the PNEA innovative strategy.

The PNEA training at ISU utilized the new modules on PNEA, namely: (1) putting into practice the nutrition program management at the barangay level, (2) package of nutrition promotion activities and nutrition interventions, and (3) organization of local partners in health and nutrition as enabling mechanisms to promote family nutrition.

The modules discussed the preparation of the Barangay Nutrition Action Plan (BNAP), that will serve as the mechanism to achieve the nutrition goals at the barangay level. The salient feature of the six-step process of Barangay Nutrition Program Management is the complementation of the required administrative reports from the National Nutrition Council (NNC) and the BIDANI innovative strategies.

The Barangay Nutrition Committee (BNC) was also strengthened to support in the implementation of the PPAN using BIDANI strategy. The BNC members then affirmed that they shall take the lead in the preparation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of their nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive nutrition programs stipulated in the BNAP.  

Through the new modules, the participants learned about nutrition promotion activities for behavior change such as the First 1000 Days, infant and young child feeding (IYCF), and nutrition-in-emergencies. They have also learned about the production and utilization of the KALINGA supplementary mix, which was used for the cooking demonstration of various recipes such as Pulvoron, Gabi-Burger, Nutri-fish Balls, Congee, and Hotcake con Kalabasa.

The participants went home with packets of KALINGA and the recipe book Mga Piling Lutuin Mula Sa KALINGA that they could use to cook healthy and nutritious meals for their families.

After completing the trainings for the BIDANIzation of ISU and Echague, continuous technical backstopping and monitoring shall be conducted to ensure the sustainability of the program.

­- Arnold Abuyog

Participants of the PNEA training for ISU BIDANI Core Team, Municipal Government of Echague, and Barangay LGU of Barangay Salvacion were also trained hands-on on the production of KALINGA supplementary mix. Photos: Arnold Abuyog