Two BIDANI staff attend 2019 UP REPSS confab; partial results of GAD study presented

UP REPSS 2019 Conference

Two University Research Associates of the BIDANI Network Program participated in the 6th Annual Scientific Conference and 10th General Assembly of the UP Society of Research, Extension, and Professional Staff (UP REPSS) held last March 13-14, 2019 at the Lima Park Hotel, Malvar, Batangas.

Arnold Abuyog, Coordinator for the Barangay Integrated Development Approach (BIDA), and Guien Eidrefson Garma, Coordinator for Development Communication Operations, attended the two-day conference, which carried the theme “Advancing Research, Extension, and Development: UP REPS Commitment Towards Excellence.”

Mr. Abuyog served as a moderator for one of the scientific sessions of the conference. He also served as judge for a parallel session of poster presentations on resources management and policy. Mr. Garma, meanwhile, presented two papers in a scientific session.

Gender study results

An integral part of the participation of BIDANI in this year’s conference is the presentation of the partial results of a UPLB Gender Center Faculty and REPS Research Grant-funded research project.

The paper, titled Focus of Gender and Development (GAD) Plans of Selected BIDANI Catchment Barangays in Laguna, Philippines: Issues, Concerns, and Programs, revealed the common issues being addressed by client-focused, organization-focused, and attributed GAD programs, projects, and activities (PPAs).

In terms of client-focused GAD programs, common issues emanating include lack of income and nutrition for families. PPAs addressing these concerns are usually centered on trainings. Issues addressed by organization-focused PPAs include handling of GAD cases, and the need for skills and capacity building for various GAD institutions in the barangay. Organization-focused programs include capacity building for GAD Focal Point System (GFPS), VAWC desk officers, and other GAD personnel. Issues addressed by and the specific programs for attributed GAD PPAs are usually concerned with infrastructure.

The paper recommends continuous capacity building for barangay officials on the allocation of the GAD budget, which should be equivalent to at least five percent of the total budget.

Continuing support for REPS sector

In their inspirational and keynote addresses, UPLB Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension Dr. Rex Demafelis and UP System Faculty Regent Dr. Ramon Guillermo both expressed their continuing support for the sector of research, extension, and professional staff of the University.

Vice Chancellor Demafelis expressed his thanks for the REPS sector for supporting the three proposals that were forwarded by the OVCRE for the welfare of REPS employees, namely the creation of the REPS Personnel and Fellowship Committee (RPFC) and REPS Welfare Council, and the establishment of a REPS Development Fund. He added that these policies will not only help the REPS, but also OVCRE in its mandate of protecting and forwarding the interest of the REPS sector.

He also assured REPS that his office will remain to be with them, the sector that has also helped the endeavors of OVCRE.

For his part, Regent Guillermo stressed the need to assert the need for representation of REPS in the University’s decision-making bodies, including the UP System Board of Regents (BOR), saying that representation is important for all sectors of the University. He also added that his office also wants to advance the welfare of REPS beyond what have already been established and recognized.

Conference as venue for learning

The UP REPSS annually conducts its scientific meeting and general assembly. Julieta Anarna, outgoing President of the society, said in a message, “The 2 days conference will benefit the members of the Society by gaining information from our keynote and plenary speaker and a stronger interpersonal relationship among UP REPSS members will be developed.”

– Guien Eidrefson Garma